As an employee you have exclusive access to a wide range of fantastic offers, specially selected products and services offering money savings discounts, and extra value on special and everyday purchases
If you want to work for an employer who believes that their team is the key to delivering the best services and facilities, then look no further.
York Teaching Hospital Facilities Management is looking for employees who aspire to excellence, share our values and can play a crucial role in our on-going achievements. In return we can offer you a stimulating and dynamic working environment, with a wide range of staff benefits and learning and development opportunities.
There are a host of opportunities available - click here to apply for one of our current vacancies.
Fair treatment
As an organisation, we are committed to the fair treatment of our staff, potential staff or users of our service, regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, responsibilities for dependents, age, physical, mental disability or offending background. We actively promote equality of opportunity for all with the right mix of talent, skills, and potential and welcome applications from a wide range of candidates. We select all candidates for interview based on their skills, qualifications, and experience.
Applications are welcomed from people who wish to apply for a position on the basis of a job share or flexible working arrangement. Where candidates are successful at interview, such requests will be taken under consideration and accommodated where the needs of the service allow.
As an employee of York Teaching Hospital Facilities Management, you have exclusive access to a wide range of fantastic offers, specially selected products and services offering money-saving discounts, and extra value on special and everyday purchases.
You will also have 27 days annual leave pro rata (rising to 29 after five years service and 33 after ten), in addition to Bank Holidays. The salary scale is dependent upon relevant transferable skills and experience.
As an employer who values our employees, we have dedicated webpages to ensure that all our staff can take advantage of money-saving discounts and new initiatives. These schemes enable you to access a unique range of benefits and discounts that can assist you in achieving a work/life balance.
You will also have 27 days annual leave pro rata (rising to 29 after five years service and 33 after 10 years), in addition to Bank Holidays and access to join the NHS Pension Scheme. The salary scale is dependent upon relevant transferable skills and experience.